Tuesday, November 23, 2010


One of the nice touches along the Westsong and West Bay Walkways are the two drinking fountains. As well as providing water to pedestrians there is often a bowl nearby for dogs. The fountain above is located at Songhees Point but the ice that covers it is an indication of the weather for the last few days. Yesterday snow was added to the icy cold and in the morning we had a real little blizzard. I ventured outside long enough to take the photo to the left. Today we still have some snow left on the ground and it is minus 5 degrees Celsius outside. But it is bright and sunny so I'll be going out soon.


  1. It's crazy here in Washington. We must've gotten about 8" at my house and it's soooo cold.

  2. It was plus 15 Celsius here in Toronto today. Winter has yet to arrive!

  3. The fountain at the Bay Centre on Fort Street looks pretty amazing, too. So frozen!

    I'm sure there will be plenty of good 'cold weather' shots on their way. Today was a great day to be outside- crisp and sunny.

  4. Hey, Victoria IS part of Canada after all !

  5. Last winter it was the Americans that took all the snow and cold weather away from Southern Ontario. This year it is Western Canadians and Americans turn. Thanks guys... The weather here is still fall like. Nice photo!

  6. Frozen fountain??? Never seen before!


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