Thursday, November 25, 2010

More of the White Stuff

It snowed again last night. Today's photo was taken only about an hour ago when I was out on my morning walk on the West Bay Walkway. It's warmer than it was a few days ago and there were lots of other walkers out this morning. Snow seems to make people friendlier - nearly everyone I passed today said "Good Morning!" and smiled. Usually only about 50% of the people greet each other on the walkway.


  1. So beautiful!

    Actually I found people in Victoria to be very friendly with 'hellos' on my various travels. Esp. on Willows Beach. Everyone said Hi to me there. So did their doggies!

  2. Love the monochromatic effect with the highlighted colour !

  3. Oh, my. I guess I do need to steel myself to the onset of snow pictures, don't I? Yours is beautiful. It will probably be here before long, too.

  4. Snowy sceneries are the most beautiful!


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