Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brewer's Blackbird (Male)

The day before yesterday I posted a photo of a female of this species, a rather demure lady with tasteful brownish gray plumage. Here is the male Brewer's Blackbird (Euphagus cyanocephalus) with his dramatic yellow-eyed glare. From a human perspective this bird looks angry - always. I wonder if his enemies also interpret his intensely staring eye as ferocity and shy away from attacking him?


  1. Another terrific close-up!
    And a very good question re: his 'expression'.
    Bald eagles have a truly fierce look and considering their rapture skills, it is deserved.

  2. The detail is amazing! I never noticed that they had yellow eyes. Loving the green, blue and purple shimmering feathers too.


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