Saturday, August 28, 2010

One more....

Many thanks to the 25 visitors who participated in yesterday's poll and left comments. This was very helpful. The overwhelming preference (72% at this point) was for the bottom close-up of the castle from the corner rather than the straight-on view from further back. (See yesterday's post) This is the reverse of what I expected since I assumed the inevitable distortions arising from the super-wide angle view would turn most people off. Anyway, here's a third view of Craigdarroch Castle and another question. I like this perhaps better than the two views I posted yesterday except for blown out sky over the right side of the photo. What do you think - is it worth another trip to the castle to shoot this one again under a clear blue sky?
Shoot this one again?
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  1. Absolutely this is one is worth reshooting! I voted for the second picture yesterday, but the distortion did bother me a little bit. Somehow the trees that frame this view eliminate that problem. This is a fantastic shot that highlights the roof line.

  2. I love the angle; the distortion makes the castle look creepy. But the white clouds are too bright.

  3. This is definitely the best of the three, and yes a better cloud formation or none at all would likely improve it. Might be hard to recapture the same soft light minus the clouds though.

  4. It looks very fanciful, playful (verspielt). Do you know the "Neuschwanstein" castle in Bavaria? Then you should know what I mean. I really like it!!!!

  5. Are you tonemapping from RAW format? Maybe it's my laptop monitor but the top image has an almost CGI look to it. The textures look 'wax-y'.

    Have you considered a night shot / dusk shot?

    To what extent can you use Photoshop to enhance the image? Maybe oversaturate to bring out the reds?

    Tossin' out ideas...

  6. Thanks all for your kind comments and advice. Lewi14, yes I've seen photos of Neuschwansteirn - I think that is what the builder of this castle wanted it to look like.
    Mike all these Craigdarroch photos were tonemapped but from jpgs rather than RAW. Photomatix now suggests this is a better way to go. However, since I was looking for something acceptable to a mainstream magazine like Canadian Geographic I was trying to keep them fairly traditional looking so I avoided oversaturation, etc.


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