Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Gonzales Observatory and Gonzales Bay

I am still engaged in another project but I also realized this morning that I have not fully exploited my sunrise trip to Gonzales Hill Park a few weeks ago. Above is another shot of the observatory that I like and below is a view of Gonzales Bay (directly below) with Clover Point further back. The background mountains (on the left) are the Olympic Peninsula in the USA. This view is almost identical to one I took about 15 months ago.


  1. That top photo is fabulous! Unique angle, converging lines, the sideways light, that dramatic sky...

    Personally, I like this one better than any of your previous Gonzales shots.

    I'm jealous... :)

  2. I do love the angle of the top photo, that is really cool. I'm glad you said it was sunrise b/c in all of the pics, I thought it was late afternoon.

  3. Gonzales Hill is a special place, being the highest point along the south end of the city. What a great view along Beach Drive, westwards to Dallas Road and out into the strait and American Olympic Pensinsula to the south!
    A steady progression of freighters, whale watching and pleasure boats means a constant variety of activity to see on the water.


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