Wednesday, June 16, 2010

BC Ferries

Victoria is on an island so always the first step in any trip to or from the city is to cross to the mainland. You can fly but most people take one of the large car ferries that cross hourly during the day. It takes a little less than two hours to cross in a ferry such as the one pictured above. If you're out on deck you will almost certainly see some seals and maybe some orca as well.


  1. I just love our efficient marine highway system, and I love that trip thru the San Juan Islands between Anacortes WA and Sydney BC. It's so relaxing and the scenery can't be beat! I've only taken the little BC Ferry from Mill Bay to Brentwood Bay. That ride was entirely too short!

  2. It surely must be a huge ship. Always two hands full of water beneath your keel and a nice Friday as well.

    daily athens


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