Friday, April 30, 2010

High Winds

In the last month we've had several days with very high winds. The most recent one was Monday when I was down on Dallas Road. I must confess that there was so much salt spray in the air that I was a little chary of exposing my camera to it. However, the image above of Ross Bay, if compared to the one below taken on a more normal day, will give some idea of the kind of wind and waves we experienced.


  1. What part of Dallas Drive is this? I don't remember seeing it the last time I was up there.

  2. Hi JoJo - both these photos were taken from Clover Point looking across Ross Bay.

  3. No kidding about the wind! I think our weather pattern is a month behind right now, feels like March.

  4. B, did you live here in the early 90s? Before the city put in the wave-dampening gravel 'berm' you would get these awesomely huge waves that would crash up and over Dallas Road, sometimes reaching the cemetery on the other side.

  5. Like Mike above, I remember the huge waves along Dallas Road that washed over the road and into Ross Bay Cemetary. I loved going down to Dallas Rd. on windy days and trying to walk against the wind!! You almost had to tie yourself to a tree not to get blown away. The wind would take your breath away.
    I miss that now that I don't live in Victoria anymore, but love to see your photos to bring it all home for me!

  6. Only in photographs do I prefer cloudy skies!!!


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