Saturday, October 31, 2009

Open for School Groups...heh, heh, heh....

Though nobody lives in Craigdarroch Castle any more, piano music has been heard in the ballroom and the scent of candles lingers in the night air. On winter evenings, a woman in white is sometimes seen in an upper window.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Fantastically creepy photo! You've actually made my hair stand on end! I think this is the eeriest image I've seen on CDP today.

    Happy Halloween!

  2. I want a tour, I want a tour!
    Happy Halloween from EAGAN daily photo

  3. Isn't this the House of Frankenstein???

    Very Ghoulish!!!

  4. a wonderful spooky haunted house for halloween. well done

  5. I could have sworn this was the Provincial Legislature building !
    Now THAT is scary.

  6. Is that for real? Someone needs to call Ghostbusters!


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