Friday, October 16, 2009

Macaulay Point Autumn

Sorry gang - I'm having a busy day again so here's a photo from a few weeks ago when I went out to Macaulay Point. I like the colors in this, the leaves, the grass and the bright red old military building, one of several on this old point of coastal defense.


  1. I love it...the colors are perfect! Great shot!

  2. I love the edgy contrasts between the red bricks and the green grass very much!

  3. You can't beat these close-ups with the rich, saturated colours!
    They are so vivid, and seem very 'accurate'. It really takes you there. Our overcast days are perfect light for it.

  4. Don't apologize, we might not have been given the opportunity to see this wonderful photo. I love the colour and composition....simply beautiful.
    Have a great weekend.


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