Friday, October 2, 2009

Another Panorama

panorama, Songhees Point, Victoria, BC, CanadaI am still enjoying these big panorama shots. Here's one that is just about 360 degrees, taken from Songhees Point. These big panoramas are not difficult to make with the great software that is now available. I use a free open-source software called Hugin which you can read about and download from HERE. As with the other BIG panorama I posted earlier, you need to click this one to see it big and you may have to click the big version again to blow it up as well.


  1. It's great fun, no wonder your enjoying more and more of these panoramic shots! Awesome!

    - Pixellicious Photos

  2. That program works superbly.
    I'm guessing the Maritime Museum panarama shot from their website used something similar, except stitching more vertical levels as well. That was most effective as it was in a closed, smaller area in Bastion Square as well as interior shots. Also had a zoom capacity.

  3. I always shoot panoramas. Great fun it is, and this is a great view here.


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