Friday, September 11, 2009


Regular visitors will be pleased to find their taste in photos recently vindicated by the local publication, "Monday Magazine" in their annual photo contest. The above photo, which originally appeared here last September, took second place in the Black and White category. This photo was taken on Ogden Point Breakwater, a favorite spot for local photographers. I decided to try do something a little different and set up my tripod on the steps leading to the breakwater so that the camera was just about eye level with the surface of the breakwater. While I was setting up, this kid came along with his family and just stood in front of me. Though I wasn't ready to shoot, sometimes you just take what's offered so I snapped a quick shot. Later at home, when sorting through the day's efforts, I deleted this photo. It was way overexposed and the colors were washed out. I was shooting almost directly into the sun and there was lens flare and though it was a nice try, it was clearly a failure. The image, however, stayed with me and an hour or so later I dug it out of the trash and started to play with it. It finally became such a favorite with me that I have been using it on my business cards since then.


  1. Hey, Congrats Benjamin!

    It's a great photo and amusing story. Life, eh?

  2. Great story of how a diamond can be found in the rough.
    Sometimes an undiscovered, great shot lies within another and only requires a new cropping.

  3. I saw this photo in the Monday magazine this morning! Congrats - it really is a great shot.
    I think it would be a funky album cover.

  4. Congratulations! What a gorgeous photo-- thanks for the context, too. It makes it that much more interesting! :)

  5. That's so great. I love that it has a story to go along with it. The little picture that could... congrats!

  6. Often the best shots are the unplanned and unexpected ones. Great shot and glad you took it out of the trash. Congratualtions Benjamin!

  7. Congradulations! This is a great shot and I'm so glad you didn't throw it away and that you entered it into the Monday photo competition - can I say I told you so?! Thanks for being such an inspiration.


  8. Thank you all for your comments and ongoing support. It is very much appreciated.

  9. Hi,

    I love this photograph. It's very powerful. Great job.



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