Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Big Picture

Bayview Residences, view, panorama, downtown VictoriaHere's another photo from my visit to the 9th floor of the Bayview Residences in Vic West. This one is two shots stitched together for a little more panoramic view of downtown Victoria. Click the photo to see a larger version.


  1. No question this is a great view for whoever is living in this select location.
    I'd like to hear from all the residents living in the shadow of these condos and their descriptions of what they USED to see. Reminds me of a return to the castle/feudal system.
    A recent public model/display of the proposed mega-yacht marina nearby didn't include the visual impact at ground level with ocean views being replaced by row upon row of three story white fibreglass. Should 'money' alone determine a communities future?

  2. I can see the hotel where I stayed when I visited your beautiful city several years ago but my how it's changed. Great shot.


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