Monday, August 3, 2009

Emily Carr House

Emily Carr House, Victoria, BC, Canada
Emily Carr, one of Canada's most famous artists and authors, was born and spent most of her life in Victoria. Pictured above is the house where she was born in 1871, when Victoria was a very young settlement. I have blogged about this house before but last time I visited there it was closed and I was unable to see inside. To the right is one of several rooms downstairs that have been restored and refurnished as much like the original as possible. The curators and their family live in the upstairs portion of the house. They are very helpful and pleasant and make a visit to the house a pleasure. There is a wealth of information about Emily Carr at the house and on the Emily Carr House website and both are well worth a visit.Room in Emily Carr House, Victoria, BC, Canada

Today is BC Day and I take this opportunity to wish my fellow British Columbians a good day.


  1. Good BC Day to you too, Benjamin. :-)

  2. I remember visiting this home when I was in Victoria about 2000 or 2001.


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