Monday, August 17, 2009

Dragonboat Races

Dragon Boat Race, Ship Point Pier, Victoria, BC, CanadaWhile wandering around under the pier looking for a good angle to capture the Lights of Courage that are an important part of the Dragon Boat Festival I was alerted by loud cheering that I was missing the climactic race. Actually, it may have been one of those serendipitous moments since this shot I grabbed from the underside of the dock nicely isolates the action.

Below is a post-race photo from where normal spectators sit to view the races.Dragon Boat Festival, Ship Point Pier, Victoria, BC, Canada

1 comment:

  1. benjamin...superb first photo. i just love it. i've really been appreciating creative shots of events like this, where almost everyone will get the same shot. well done.


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