Friday, April 17, 2009

Inner Harbour - Spring 2009

Easter weekend saw the unofficial opening of Victoria's Inner Harbour Causeway, and there were lots of Victorians and a few tourists out enjoying it whenever the sun came out for awhile. This Good Friday also included the first causeway performance of the year by one-man-band bluesman, Dave Harris. Dave's been busking on the causeway for over 30 years and has entertained hundreds of thousands of visitors to the city. That's him surrounded by his instruments in the lower left of the above photo. Above him towards the center, under the large white umbrella, is another Causeway veteran, artist/caricaturist Dean Lewis. As the weather warms up they'll be joined by the many other artists and entertainers that make a visit to Victoria a memorable experience. To find out more about the Causeway artists and entertainers, visit their website by clicking HERE. If you visit Victoria make sure you stop by and say hello to Dave and Dean and tell them I sent you. Below is a photo of Dave Harris doing what he does so well, making music.Dave Harris has a MySpace page: and a YouTube Channel: where you can see him on many different videos.


  1. It would be interesting to see this same photo on a sunny day in August when the tourists are in full force.

  2. Always, always a beautiful subject for photos. I love Victoria's Inner harbour and the people watching it offers. Lovely photos. Thank you for showing off our capitol so beautifully.

  3. Hey, Thanks Benjamin, I just found this! Great shots! Thanks for including the links. See you soon Cheers Dave Harris


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