Monday, February 23, 2009

Street Furniture VII - Phone Booths

This photo is from a few days ago - I've been housebound the last few days with a back problem so.... Yes, Victoria still has phone booths, though with the increasing popularity of cell phones their number is decreasing. This particular one is in Victoria's Chinatown.


  1. Very cool, I love how they adapted the phone booth to the theme of that area of the city, very nice photo.

    Have a great week!
    Regina In Pictures

  2. yes when cell phones were first popular everyone was comparing their cell rates. I always joked I was on the 25cent plan. 25 cents a call for as long as I wanted. Only problem the phone was very big (phone booth)

  3. That's a beautiful shot in beautiful light. Your blue sky, red phone booth and yellow lines are making me feel cheery on a glum rainy day here.
    Wishing you fast recovery and hope you aren't in too much pain.
    Seattle Daily Photo

  4. Thanks Guy, and Postie, as usual you make a good point :0) Thanks Kim for visiting and shedding such a delightful rain of comments. I'm happy you enjoyed the video - Everest was our magnum opus though I like some of the shorter ones too. My granddaughter and I had fun making them.

  5. That is a great picture, Benjamin! I am sure that these phoneboxes one day will become collectable just as the jukeboxes!I like this one specially made to fit into Chinatown.

  6. That is the cleanest phone booth I have ever seen!

  7. I remember this booth and am planning on shooting another pic on my trip!


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