Sunday, February 8, 2009

Honour Roll

Just above Cattle Point is this memorial to Oak Bay residents who lost their lives during World War II. Generally these memorials depict armed soldiers and it is nice to see one that recognizes the grief and sorrows suffered by those who were left behind. It perhaps serves as a better reminder that we'd be wiser to remember the pain and suffering that war brings rather than glorify its heroic aspects.


  1. The statue is beautiful... though very sad.

  2. i love the second photo. great composition.

  3. Beautiful remembrance for all of us to think about. So many grieving families left behind. They are the living heroes in my book. When will it end??

  4. Both are beautiful and moving photographs. I love the light in the second, and the beautiful capture of the statue's face in the first. The thoughts this memorial brought up for you are much appreciated.

    I've been doing a bit of catching up with your work and enjoying it very much. I just watched the Everest video and am amazed by another of your talents. What a lovely little film and so well done. You have the eyes of a photographer AND a cinematographer. Why am I not surprised. :-) I will be fitting in screenings of your other titles as I can.


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