Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dallas Road Waterfront

Though there was a hazy overcast today, it was mild and pleasant so I went down to the Dallas Road waterfront and took a stroll along the walkway you can see on the upper right of this photo. Most of Victoria's ocean shoreline consists of rocky beaches like this one. The only really sandy beaches are on the southeastern side of the city beyond Clover Point, or further northwest towards Esquimalt Lagoon.


  1. It's beautiful. I like the mix of stones on our coast too, but ours are usually smaller sized.

    Have to say, this looks like a sprained ankle waiting to happen.

  2. Beautiful photo!
    Love all the detail.

    The rocks are smaller than they look and not really 'tripable'.

  3. I used to love collecting similar stones during vacations to spots near a river. Loved to paint them and gift them as paper weights to my relatives.

  4. That's a nice shot, I really like it. I took a very similar shot in Norfolk, UK last summer, although it was more like shingle than pebbles!

  5. I love taking pictures of organic material. This is an exceptional photo. I love your city - love your blog - just signed up as a follower!

    Thank you for posting, I'm so glad your blog.

  6. Probably not the best beach for a morning jog. ;)

  7. great shot of the closeup of the rocks but also the vast distance you can see also. Keep up the good shots

  8. I'd sure like to be strolling there this weekend!


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