Friday, January 16, 2009


I realize that much of the time I roam about looking for the spectacular and often ignore all those little things that are familiar to me but may not be so to others. So, partially to remedy this failing (and also because I have nothing spectacular today), here is a photo of a typical Canadian mailbox. These are placed here and there all over the city so that it is easy to post letters. This rather angular style is relatively new. When I was growing up they had rounded tops but the bright red color was the same.


  1. can you tell me how you have done it? The red of the mailbox and the yellow of the road.

  2. beautiful shot ,i like the little details of a common city life ,i took a photo of a red mail box during my Icenadic trip either ;)

  3. Nice red splash of colour in the grey!

  4. The "unspectacular" details are what add up to a portrait of a place. Cheers from Gabriola!

  5. The 'leave just the red' is a jazzy feature. I don't have that and it's just as well, I'd do all my photos like that.

    I notice it left the yellow centre line on the road too.

  6. Oh yes, that works brilliantly. Nice work, Ben!

  7. Not a new feature but its been around for over 15 years. And there you go reminding me of work on my week off. cheers

  8. Murcia...: I've been experimenting lately with a free, open-source image editing program called GIMP ( ). The treatment this photo received came about as a result of trying a GIMP tutorial that you can find here:

    I am very impressed with GIMP and recommend it to anyone who wants to play with image editing without investing a lot of money.

    Thanks Babzy and Saretta.

    Snapper, I agree completely but forget it most of the time. It's one of the things I've learned from looking at your photos.

    Wayne, yes I did the yellow line too so people wouldn't think it was just a "leave the red" button.

  9. ...and if you look up the road to your right those parking spots are free (for two hours, but I've never been caught) and easily walkable to downtown. I park here all the time and actually have used this mailbox too. (I'm an avid letter writer.)


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