Saturday, December 20, 2008

Dockside Green Totem Pole

Though we had more snow last night, today was another bright and sunny day so I went down and had a look at the nearby Dockside Green condominiums. I've written a little about this project here and here and it continues to be an interesting subject. In May of this year they erected the totem pole pictured above. It was carved by Charles Elliot, master carver of the Tsartlip Nation. In the photo below, newly erected Dockside Green buildings are in the background. The Galloping Goose Cycling Trail passes directly in front of this pole.


  1. I love these images. Your skies of the last two days have been so beautiful.

    I was just contacted this week, from a northern California tribal agency that found some of my Pomo images online. They asked to use one of them in a flyer for an event they are announcing (heck, yeah!), and gave me the name of the lead spiritual singer in my photo series. I was so pleased!

  2. The totem pole in the 1st photo is taken superbly - great point of view

  3. Awesome totem pole! I like the contrast with the modern building on the 2nd photo too.

  4. Love the perspective on the top one and like JM said, the contrast of the second. I loved teaching about the NW tribes to my third graders.

    US, congrats on that honor. whooo hooo!

  5. the first one is stunning i love it !!

  6. Excellent that only the top face of the totem pole is lit in that first photo! The lighting in the second photo grabs me just as much, though.

    Let me be the first to say: Where's the arbutus tree?

  7. I have a thing about totem poles. I just love them. WHen we were in ALaska a few years ago I must have taken hundreds of shots of them! These of yours are spectacular.

    (COngrats, Elaine! That's so cool!)

  8. Love this blue light, giving a very special atmosphere to this totem...

  9. A Canandian friend of mine informs me there are more totem poles in Canada than any other country. I'm not sure who counted them, but she is usually right about these things. The swathe of blue bonucing around is so crisp and clear.


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