Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mushroom Time

Was wandering in the forest with some good company on Sunday looking for some of these guys without any luck. Then today, on the way home from the supermarket, I saw this mushroom just popped up on my neighbor's lawn. Autumn is definitely here.


  1. Funny, I just saw someone post a mushroom picture yesterday and I took some mushroom photos while out on our hike :)
    Is that one edible?

  2. I am one of those weird people with a phobia of mushrooms/toadstools growing in the yard. My mother so reinforced "don't touch those! THey're poison!" when I was a kid that I have a visceral response now when I see one.

    Good times!

    Cool pic, though. How have I managed to wait so long to explore your blog? It's wonderful.

  3. Tanya - I always think of mushrooms in the fall though they may also be found at other times of the year. As to its edibility, I don't know.

    Laurie, sorry. I'll try not to post any more mushrooms or toadstools. Glad you like my blog. I like yours too.

  4. Isn't that always the way . . . when you aren't looking . . . it appears.

  5. I would like to be a fairy sitting under there, waiting for Laurie to come along so I could charm her into changing her mind. I wouldn't poison her, but I might take her on a trip to faerie for a day or two.


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