Saturday, August 30, 2008

Kids and Kids - Beacon Hill Park Children's Zoo 2

Most of the animals in the Children's Zoo are in the "look but don't touch" category, but children can have some first hand experience with the goats, who are endlessly patient and patronizing and allow themselves to be petted, stroked and combed with delightful placidity. No slavish fawning here, they simply tolerate little humans good naturedly. There are lots of brushes around for children who want to do a little goat grooming.And, when you get a little older, if you're really lucky and volunteer at the zoo, the goats will even climb on you. These young girls were so cool and blasé while the kids perched on their backs....If you're in Victoria, don't miss "The Running of the Goats" when the goats are released from the barn every morning (10 am) and stampede through the pathways at the children's zoo to reach their daytime paddock. Look out Pamplona!


  1. I absolutely love photo number two! And photo three demonstrates that goats have an irrepressible instinct for playing king of the hill. They demonstrate such trust, as well.

  2. les petits enfants : c'est toujours très mignon !


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