Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Dark Side

Well, I've been trying to present only the positive side of the Inner Harbor Causeway but truth must out and here is the "dark side."Darth may not be the best violinist in town but he's funny and it's always interesting to see the double-takes he often gets from passersby.


  1. Oh dear. This is what I thought it was on the portal. Gracious sakes. Well, he certainly demonstrates the comfortably cool summers you have there.

  2. Is that violin painted black?? I can understand the double takes. This is one of those sights that you just can't quite believe.

  3. It's cooling off now. Looks like a tough gig in 30° C.

  4. Sharon - yes the violin is painted black. I think that shows commitment to the role.

    Elaine, you know my feelings about "comfortably cool"

    Wayne, Victoria is much cooler than Vancouver - on average the temperature reaches 30° only once a year. Average high temp in summer is about 19.6°C (67°F).

  5. We dreeeam of such an average temp in summer. In 67°F you can wear all sorts of lovely clothes, and even dress as your favorite villain, eh, if need be, without the slightest perspiration. Heaven is wasted on the wicked, I tell you.

  6. He's brilliant. Each daily has a dark side but this is the beyound compare. I would to to have captured this,


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