Monday, August 11, 2008

Causeway Artist #7 - Ian Cooper

Artist Ian Cooper works intently on his latest creation. But what looks like a peaceful studio is actually......the Inner Harbor Causeway after dark. Below, some strollers pause to view prints of Ian's work, incredibly detailed pen and ink drawings of fantastic multi-leveled landscapes.To see some of his unique and fascinating artwork, visit his website, If you visit Victoria, don't think all the Causeway artists go home when the sun sets. There's lots to see on the causeway after dark, too. Below, you can see Ian's "studio" as the brightly lighted area in the lower left hand corner of the photo.


  1. Great sequence of shots showing one of the night-time gems of our innner harbour. And, done with an independant electricity source yet. Real potential exists to increase the causeway's attraction value if all the artists had 'juice'.

  2. What a great series of shots. I like how you went from the tightest to the widest shots.
    He is very talented.


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