Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Causeway Artist #9 - Sarah Tradewell

A remarkable aspect of musicians on the causeway is the way that many of them can create a space around themselves where their music triumphs over all the many distractions, busyness and street noises (see photo below). Sarah Tradewell, pictured here, is a an excellent example of this and all the moreso because at sixteen she performs with skill and maturity that belies her years. She is a wonderful musician with a wide repertoire, though she specializes in "fiddle music." Her Celtic and Irish melodies are as delightful to the ear as she is to the eye.To hear and see her play, click HERE. You can also visit her YouTube Channel (many videos of Sarah performing) by clicking HERE. Sarah also has a MySpace page where there are some good recordings of her fiddle playing that you can download. Well worth a visit. Click here.


  1. Hello Benjamin. My wife was in Victoria the other day and came home raving about a young girl she'd heard busking with her fiddle and tap shoes. Low and behold it was Sarah! So thanks so much for the photos and the YouTube link. Now Miss Tradewell has not one but two new fans on Gabriola. Cheers!

  2. I was just in Victoria and saw this girl and was wishing later that I knew more about her! Oh..I see my husband just posted the same comment. Anyway, thanks so much!

  3. That's an expresive moment you captured on that mucisian's face. Great visual observation, Ben.

  4. Your shots perfectly illustrate your points. Beautifully done.

  5. What a lovely portrait. You captured her perfectly.

  6. Sarah Tradewell is my cousin. I didn't know that she was that good because I haven't seen her in about 3 years. And she just moved to Victoria. But I see she's getting better and better! :)


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