Saturday, July 12, 2008

Canada Goose

Here's another bird that remains still long enough for a neophyte to get a photo, the Canada Goose. This one was photographed at Esquimalt Lagoon, which shelters a large flock of these geese year-round. They are quite tame.


  1. I think Canada Geese are majestic, even though some people in my area of the world think of them as "pests." I always feel lucky when one flies overhead and I'm touched by the shadow of the bird.

  2. I love to see them fly in the V formation. When they used to migrate, that and their honking was a harbinger of fall and spring.
    Now we have a cohort that doesn't migrate, and it's forbidden to feed them, as they are overpopulated.
    But yes, regal bird, and that shows in your photo.


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